Examples of the services I currently offer are given below, but please get in touch to discuss how I may be able to meet your specific needs. If I don’t have the necessary skills in-house, I may still be able to help by calling on my network of associates.
Estuarine and Marine Ecology & Environmental Assessment
Desk-based scientific reviews and evidence assessment
Design, planning, and delivery of estuarine and marine ecological monitoring for a variety of purposes (e.g. condition assessment, impact assessment, biodiversity assessment)
Collection, analysis and reporting of ecological data
Development of and advice on tools for the assessment, conservation and management of estuarine and marine resources (habitats & species)
Contribution to, advise on and/or critically review of Environmental Statements and EIAs
Project Management and support
Preparing and submitting collaborative tenders for interdisciplinary research projects
Data analysis and modelling
Univariate and multivariate analysis and modelling of benthic and fish communities, ornithological, water quality/physico-chemical and sedimentological data for assessing:
· Biotopes (e.g. cluster and ordination analysis)
· Impacts and recovery (e.g. BACI-type analysis)
· Colonisation and succession trends in relation to habitat restoration or creation (e.g. time series analysis)
· Size/density of biological populations from distance sampling surveys (Distance analysis)
· Environmental-biology relationships, and predictive modelling (e.g. GLMs, GAMs, classification/regression trees)
Review & Editorial work
Peer review of research tenders and outputs (e.g. reports, papers)
Proof-reading of estuarine and marine research reports and proposals
Organisation of peer-reviews and other editorial work
Other services
Facilitation of scientific conferences, workshops and meetings
Secretariat for scientific meetings and workshops
Italian-English translations (Italian native speaker)